A Call to Earnest Fasting and Prayer
We often don’t even realize how far we in the Western world have drifted from God and His standards. Many say that for some years now we have been…
| Jobst Bittner
Opened Doors 2023
There are "Opened Doors" in 2023 that we just need to discover. Sometimes, however, these doors are blocked. What can we do to be all the more…
| Jobst Bittner
Dictate of Opinion and "Cancel Culture" at the Tübingen City Festival
What the Tübingen City Festival and Berlin's Humboldt University have in Common
The case at Berlin's Humboldt University sparked nationwide…
| Jobst Bittner
The Handwriting of the Holy Spirit in Your Life (Jobst Bittner)
If you bear the handwriting of the Holy Spirit in your life, the spirit of this age will not be able to mark you. A new outpouring of the Holy Spirit…
| Jobst Bittner
Will Donald Trump Go to Heaven?
How “holy” do we have to be?
Will Donald Trump go to heaven? To be quite clear, I don't know, and I cannot and will not judge it. The American…
| Jobst Bittner